L’OS EN VILLE — Food & Beverages
Communication Campaign . Social Media Campaign . Content Creation . Food Photography
L’Os en Ville is the extension of the legendary restaurant L’Os in Ain Saade, an essential constituent in the Lebanese F&B sector. It’s a younger and slightly more casual alternative to the classic restaurant, in its décor but also its identity and food.
Our plan for the digital communication rollout was based on 3 pillars: showcasing the food, banking on the nostalgia, and shedding light on the specialties all the while staying true to the initial branding.
Following several photography sessions presenting the food in a casual manner, extended through foodies and bloggers outreach, allowing us to have appetizing content for the brands’ digital outlets. Our content based on sentiment, along with the appealing food shots generated quite some traction to the place.
Social Media Campaign . Content Creation
Food Photography

Video Production
Food Photography Elie Abi Hanna